Is your website copywriting letting you down?

A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee.

It can be hard to tell, especially if you’ve slaved for hours writing the copy yourself.

Your website copywriting plays an important role in the success of your website. It has to achieve a lot and there isn’t a lot of time in which to do it.

Tell me how you fix my problem… and fast

Your average internet searcher might give you 5-10 seconds of their attention before they click away. They are looking for a solution, which makes them some of the most motivated shoppers you will find …. but also the most fickle.

Your website copywriting has to work hard in those first few seconds.

It all starts with your objectives

Are you looking to generate leads that you can follow up later, or make sales straight away? Perhaps you get most of your work through relationship building so your website is a strong base camp to back up your reputation or first meeting.

Understanding what you need your website to do is a critical first step in creating really effective website copywriting.

Then it’s time to dig into the detail

Some elements you should consider when it comes to your website copywriting:

  • Ensure you communicate the simple truth behind what you do. This is the heart of the value your offer your clients without all the jargon and marketing fluff.
  • Speak your audience’s language. Understanding your audience is one of the keys to successful marketing and speaking their language will help you connect with them.
  • Dig deep into the benefits you offer. By going past the features to the real benefits you offer, you can answer the most important question your customers are asking: “What’s in it forme?”
  • Find the voice and personality behind your brand. Showing a bit of flair and personality will help you differentiate your website from the millions of other (boring) websites.
  • Make it personal. When you switch from “we/me/us” to “you/your”, you will help the reader feel like you’re talking directly to them.
  • Include a headline and call to action. I call these the bookends of marketing copywriting and every page of your website should have them. Every page!
  • Include pages that will boost your credibility. Pages about your products, your history, your other clients, and how to contact you are just a few of the indicators your clients need to make sure you aren’t a scam artist.
  • Check your spelling and grammar. Making mistakes is human. It happens, but spelling errors will seriously dint all the credibility you’ve built up so make sure you proofread!
  • Keywords. Don’t forget to use your keywords!

How does your website copywriting shape up?



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