Uncover the Hidden Gems in Your Google Analytics Data

A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee.

Excavating your Google Analytics!

I don’t know about you, but I know my Google Analytics are a gold mine of information but much to my shame, I don’t check them very often.

I see the traffic graphs go up, and I’m happy. I check where traffic comes from along with the keywords people are using to click to my site and I’m gratified (and bemused). Sometimes, I even click around the other menus but I rarely linger because, to be quite frank, I don’t really know what I’m looking at.

If you’re in the same boat, then you’re in for a treat!

Melinda Samson, from Click-Winning Content, is a Google Qualified Advertising Professional who has 6 years experience managing Google AdWords campaigns and showing clients how to make the most of their Google Analytics data.

Melinda has generously put together a video tutorial walking you through Using Google Analytics to Uncover the Hidden Gems in Your Content.

In just 8 minutes (which is less time than it take to make a cup of tea, I might add) you will learn:

  • Important stats on your analytics dashboard and what they mean including:
    • Unique Visits vs Visits
    • Page views vs Page per visit
    • Average Visit Duration
    • The dreaded Bounce rate
  • How to find hidden gems in your content pages including:
    • Tricks on manipulating your analytics for new insights
    • Tips on reducing your page’s bounce rate
  • How to find hidden gems in your traffic sources including:
    • Finding the keywords people are using to find your site via search engines
    • Getting past Google’s keywords “not provided” to find out your winning pages

All that in just 8 minutes!

So make that cuppa, then sit back and play along with a Google Analytics guru.

When you’re done, we’d love to know which hidden gem you’ll be checking regularly!

If you have any issues with the video, just click http://youtu.be/yVCNoTFQ8Pw to watch it on YouTube.

Don’t forget to let us know which hidden gem you’ll be checking regularly!

The Copy Detective

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for the opportunity to do a guest post Belinda 🙂

    If anyone has questions once they’ve watched the video, feel free to leave a comment and I’ll do my best to answer them.

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