My foolproof method for brainstorming blog ideas on boring topics
Let me guess. You’ve landed a client who’s hired you to write all their blog posts. Hurrah! Way to land the gig! We both know
Let me guess. You’ve landed a client who’s hired you to write all their blog posts. Hurrah! Way to land the gig! We both know
I’m not talking the spider phobia thing or the slightly OCD anxiety I get when I see crooked pictures. I’m talking about my writing fears.
When I first started out as a copywriter, I did everything I could to make a name for myself. There was a lot that I
Making vague promises in your copywriting is easy but they don’t do much for your credibility. In fact, watered down statements water down your reputation,
When you’re writing marketing collateral, from website copy to printed brochures, it’s pretty normal to start with what you know. You. But if you’re not
You’ve been thinking about making this purchase for a while now. It has been at the back of your mind and you’re almost ready to
Head over to my free FB group: For The Love of Copy.
It’s where word nerds hang out talking about copywriting, marketing and being your own boss. There are tips, advice, training and GIFs. I’m all about the GIFs.
Oh! You’re at the bottom of the page!
Images of Belinda by In Her Image Photography.
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