Kick start your copywriting business TODAY.

Unlock the path to a steady, thriving copywriting business for just $17.


You’ve stepped into the world of copywriting with big dreams, but the reality is… it’s tough. Much tougher than you expected. 

You’re not only trying to learn the craft of copywriting—you’re also trying to figure out how to run a business. 

And right now, it feels like you’re spinning your wheels.

  • Clients are sporadic: You might get a few clients here and there, but it’s far from steady. You’re constantly worried about where the next gig is coming from.
  • Advice is overwhelming: Every program you come across seems to be for more advanced copywriters. The advice leaves you feeling confused, and the price tags make you think twice.
  • Feeling lost: You’re not sure what steps to take next. Without clear direction, you’re stuck in a cycle of uncertainty and self-doubt.
A copy is holding a cup of ice cream and crying.

I get it because I remember it, well. 

The reality is that building a successful copywriting business isn’t easy, especially in the early stages. 

But it’s not impossible.

And not so challenging that you should give up on your dream.

Imagine this version instead…

Your copywriting business is no longer limping along—it’s stable and dare I say, thriving.

You’ve got a regular stream of clients and while you earning’s might not make a Top 10 Rich List, they are steady which takes a lot of pressure off.

More importantly, you feel secure in your ability to make this copywriting thing work.

You’re no longer cruising job sites just in case. 

You’re no longer overwhelmed by the advice out there. 

Your fear of failure has been replaced with the confidence that comes from seeing real progress.

Let’s make that version real with...

Copywriter Kick Start Club

Growing your business, one week at a time.

I created Copywriter Kick Start for copywriters just like you—those who are in the early stages and feeling stuck.

While many other programs  and coaching opportunities are geared toward more experienced copywriters, the Copywriter Kick Start Club is different.

It’s explicitly designed to help you get from ‘just starting’ to ‘thriving,’ without the overwhelm or the hefty price tag.


For just $17 a month, you get:

📚 Weekly Training: Bite-sized videos with the knowledge and skills you need to make progress, without feeling overwhelmed. Each video has a totally doable action to take. 

🔥 Personalised advice: Each week, I answer one of your questions on our private podcast, giving you the kind of support that other copywriters pay big bucks for.

24/7 Support: Need help in the middle of the night? No worries! The BelindaBot is on call around the clock, ready to provide answers when you need them.

This isn’t a regular membership—it’s the support system you’ve been missing, tailored to where you are right now in your journey.

Join Copywriter Kick Start today and start building the copywriting business you’ve always wanted.

“Belinda’s got an easy knowledge about her… Like, you can tell she knows her stuff and has a lot of experience, but she transmits it in such an easy and natural manner that you can understand and relate to… she’s very empowering and encouraging.”

Ashley Smith

Ashley Smith, Copywriter

Copywriter Kick Start Club


Super Low Monthly Price

Live experience workshop

Mastercard, visa and paypal logos.

All payments are in USD (US dollars). 

Estelle Hawkner

A woman wearing a tie dye shirt.

“If you’re looking for a copy coach, I can’t recommend Belinda highly enough. She’s been there for me since the start when I was a VERY shy writer with no idea how to run a business.

Now, 3 years on, I’m a specialist website copywriter in my perfect niche, I’m working with dream clients, and I’m finally learning to embrace my quiet, awkward personality and start getting visible. 🥰”

Kellie Lambert

A copywriter with long blonde hair, wearing a navy dress and brown boots, walks through a grassy field on a sunny day. Trees and foliage are visible in the background.

“Belinda provides the most amazing, helpful, easy-to-follow resources you need to make your copywriting business a success.”

Got questions?

Great! If your questions aren’t on this list, let me know.

For just $17 a month, you’ll get weekly training videos (created by me), a private podcast on which I answer  submitted questions, PLUS access to 24/7 Q&A through the BelindaBot.
My goal is to give you the knowledge, direction and momentum to get your copywriting business moving (without the overwhelm).

Definitely! Whether you haven’t landed your first client or have just a few sporadic ones, the Copywriter Kick Start Club is designed to help you build confidence, attract clients, and create momentum in your business.

The training videos are short (10-15 minutes), and each one comes with a simple, actionable step. You can expect to spend about 30 minutes each week on learning and implementing—but the more action you take, the faster you’ll see progress!

You can ask anything related to copywriting, finding clients, running your business, or mindset challenges. No question is too small or too “newbie”—this is your chance to get personalised advice and guidance that directly applies to where you are right now.

As this is a digital product, there are no refunds. Test it for a month for just $17 and it’s not for you, you can cancel anytime! 

Confident Copywriting is also a membership for copywriters. The price point is higher but it offers a LOT more in terms of templates, resources, training, coaching and community.

If you would like more hands on coaching from me, community interaction with other copywriters and of course, more comprehensive resources, Confident Copywriting is for you.

Have Some Feedback?

Let us know if you see any missing content, weird bugs, or just have general feedback about the new site design!