5 Simple Ways to Get More YouTube Views

A woman sitting at a desk with a laptop and a cup of coffee.


This week’s guest blog is brought to you by Jonathan Kane from BuyRealMarketing.com. If you’ve been thinking about loading video marketing onto YouTube, or you’ve just got started, this one is for you.

If you’re a professional service provider promoting your services online or you sell physical products through an on and offline shop, video marketing is one of the smartest ways to promote your brand. Why? More and more people turn to video while researching purchases online and uploading your video marketing to YouTube is free, making it a great choice for businesses wanting to get discovered.

However, to get the most exposure, you need to accumulate YouTube views! Here are several ways you can get that viewer count, and your exposure, on the rise.

 1. Start with a compelling, interesting content.

Your first step needs to set you on the right path. The video itself should be your principal focus because it is the vehicle for your video marketing success. You need to have attention to grab videos for your traffic objectives to be met – be it traffic to a website optimised to make sales, or traffic to your blog to set you as an authority worth trusting.

Tip: People love to watch reality TV shows, so why not make a video about your daily routine complete with your hits and funny misses? The bottom line is to create a video that’s both entertaining and educational. Do away with powerpoint presentations turned videos. At YouTube, that’s boo-ring.

2. Keep your YouTube channel updated.

Create a YouTube account for your brand or business, then create a channel and post video under that YouTube channel. A YouTube channel allows brand identity solidification. It increases the viewer’s confidence that your brand is not a fly-by-night sort of gig. Finally, a YouTube channel makes it easy for you to track video statistics and see which themes are popular and which aren’t.

Tip: Keep your YouTube channel updated to maximise your video marketing efforts, increasing your brand visibility and exposure for your videos. Why not make videos regularly? It could be once a week or once a month. Think V-log, the video version of a blog.

3. Organize videos in playlists.

Creating playlists for your videos marketing, with related themes, can work wonders especially if your videos are growing in numbers. A video playlist, just like a music playlist, is a handy collection of your videos that will automatically play one after another.

Tip: Your video playlist gets separately indexed by Google giving your video marketing more visibility in the search engines.

4. Search-optimize your videos, channels and playlists.

You may think it’s only your website that needs to be optimised for search engines. Think again. YouTube has been acquired by Google for the prime reason that it wants multimedia content in their search results (and videos are the multi-est of all multimedia). Displaying just text and image results can be boring so Google wants videos, and lots of them. Try to search on a topic and you’ll see what I mean. Videos are right there near the top.

This means, while your blog may not be at the top of search engine results, your videos, YouTube channel or video playlist might be! Especially if they have hundreds or thousands of views, or, your competitor lives under a rock and hasn’t jumped onto video marketing yet.

Tip: Include a healthy amount of keywords – your primary and secondary ones – on your YouTube video title, description, and tags. Don’t forget your user and channel profile. Include your website URL and incorporate your main keyword in the video description too. Do it with a natural flair, meaning, make it sound normal. Avoid stuffing them with keywords.

5. Buy YouTube views.

Many marketers have found buying YouTube views useful when getting their new video marketing noticed by the YouTube community.

Tip: Look for companies (selling YouTube views) that operate in the open. Companies like BuyRealMarketing.com can provide you with the initial traction to pump up the numbers of your YouTube views. Couple that with social media features of your videos and you’ll be able to get the ball rolling at full speed.

Jonathan Kane helps businesses gain social media proof and presence through the BuyRealMarketing.com website and its official blog that covers working social media marketing practices, how-to’s and updates for today’s web marketer.


7 Responses

  1. So, Flexitank gave buying some YouTube views a go. 25,000 on one vid. Was then picked up on featured videos, views are currently over 115k, inquiries have skyrocketed and we have picked up around 2500 new likes!!!

    1. That’s a fantastic example Gavin. While I’m instinctively against buying followers, it goes to show it can give your profile a boost. Your success will always depending on your content though and yours was obviously engaging and persuasive!

  2. Target chose to group all their web exclusive content in one playlist and all their TV commercials into another. By grouping your videos together based on their topic, these videos are more likely to drive traffic between one another due to both usability and YouTube’s search algorithm. A user is more likely to watch a video of the same subject matter right after they’ve just watched a video on that topic.

  3. Hi Dude,
    Thanks for the worth – reading post. I was following your post for the past few days and they are really useful as I am a newbie in social media marketing. Hats off to your great work and keep posting some useful tips and tricks like this.

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