If you’ve ever felt like an imposter who lacked knowledge or talent on your way to becoming a copywriter, this is for you!

Learn to write next-level copy that sells — just like the pros

Get the techniques, processes and shortcuts to build a rock solid foundation in copywriting, so you can tackle any copywriting project with confidence and ease.

If you’ve ever felt like an imposter who lacked knowledge or talent on your way to becoming a copywriter, this is for you!

A woman with red hair is posing for a photo.

Learn to write next-level copy that sells — just like the pros

Get the techniques, processes and shortcuts to build a rock solid foundation in copywriting, so you can tackle any copywriting project with confidence and ease.

What if you could go from being a bit of a wordsmith to a confident copywriter with the copy chops to tackle any project with ease?

You’ve always had a way with words. Now you know copywriting is how you can use your love of writing to create your dream life.

That’s the idea, right? Choose your working hours. Choose your clients. Earn lotza money and achieve life-goal-perfection.

But you don’t want to become any ol’ dime a dozen copywriter. 

You want to be a great copywriter.

Ya know the type. A top notch copywriter charging seriously big bucks for dream projects and clients happy to pay. 

You’re ready to join the ranks of those first rate copywriters who write wildly good copy (without having to pull their hair out during late night edits).

But there’s a snag.

You’re not actually sure how professional copywriters write copy that sells.

Not on a fluke but on every single project.

Which makes you feel like a copywriter imposter.

You’re all too familiar with that feeling of being an imposter

Ever hesitated to call yourself a copywriter, increase your rates or go for that big client, because it feels like you’re missing a critical piece of expertise?

Or spent triple the amount of time you planned for writing because you were second-guessing every word?

You’ve got a way with words, but do you ever feel like there’s no technique or structure behind your writing?

You get a wave of adrenaline when you deliver copy to a client because if they ask, you can’t explain why you wrote it the way you did. 

You’re running on instinct and inspiration.

And you’re not alone.

The more we learn about copywriting, the more we discover how much we don’t know. 

Every step forward seems to bring another dozen questions that send us back to Google.

Yet every search feels like another browser tab of proof that we are in over our heads. Because instead of clarity you are inundated with 590,000,000 results and you’ve got no clue how to sort, filter or curate that information so it helps you…

You’re stuck in the

chaos of copywriting content

and it's not your fault

You’ve been putting in the work.

Reading articles on copywriting techniques to try out.

Listening to podcast interviews with the big name copywriters revealing their secrets to success.

Screenshotting sales pages, product descriptions and home pages to add to your copywriting swipe file.

Subscribing to copywriting newsletters to snag tips from the experts.

Maybe even bought a copywriting course!

That means you’re already ahead of the hundreds, even thousands, of average copywriters out there who are barely scratching out a living

But instead of feeling confident and excited when your friend asks you to help them write some copy, your stomach drops faster than a skydiver jumping from the edge of space… without a parachute. 

You’re up late Googling “How to write website copy/a brochure/sales page/about page/email marketing”.

You’re doom scrolling through your swipe file trying to find answers to the incessant question: “what do I do next?”.

While it’s exciting, your brain is so overloaded with information that you’re paralysed.

And that blank page knows it.

The world is telling you that all you have to do is ‘learn copywriting’ and that anyone can ‘make a living as a copywriter’ — which is true…

But here’s the thing:

While the internet is filled with googleable insights and free how-to content you’re left alone to figure out how to piece it all together and determine what’s relevant.

Which means you end up spending more time searching through the chaos than writing. You keep hoping that one more article will make it all finally click.

But you’re effectively trying to piecemeal your own copywriting education through a bunch of blogs and books coming from a hodgepodge of internet strangers.

And that’s the slowest path to becoming a great copywriter.

Let me show you a better way

You don't need more talent, just more structure. That's the cure to the chaos.

What if I told you that 80% of writing great copy is down to technique and process, with just a sprinkling of creativity?

What if you had a copywriting blueprint and the knowhow to use it for every single project? 

What if you could bring order to the chaos of copywriting content?

When you know the framework for writing a website page, brochure, email or ad and you understand how to hone in on the messages that matter, you can write copy that commands attention and action (just like copywriters at the top of their game).

And you will write it quickly.

Just imagine…

An orange logo with a hummingbird on it.

Sitting down to write your next copywriting project with a plan. 

You know where to begin and how. 

You know which information to put on the page to empower and motivate the reader and which to leave out. 

You know when to stop writing and hand it over for client feedback. 

No one’s first draft is perfect. But you can get it pretty damned close.

On any copywriting project. Every time.

Just like the pros do.

An orange logo with a hummingbird on it.
A woman smiling in front of a fireplace.

Maryann Zurmuehlen

I began to lose hope I could turn this into a new career.

“Before this course, I felt like I had pockets of copywriting knowledge. I knew about some of the pieces and bits that go into creating copy. Dots, if you will. But I didn’t know what to do with them or how to make sense of them.  

With The Copywriting Inkubator, I was able to more clearly identify the purpose of each of those dots and put them together in a way that makes sense. Before, I felt very lost, confused, and overwhelmed. And imposter syndrome was screaming at me to give it all up and just stick it out at my old job that was safe but unfulfilling.

Now, while I do still occasionally catch a whiff of imposter syndrome and fear that I don’t know what I’m doing, I know if I utilize the systems learned in the course, I can successfully make this my new career and can only continue to grow and improve as a copywriter.

I have gained an actual love and appreciation for the work and confidence in my skills in this profession.”

I'd spent several years gaining a fraction of the skills and knowledge I got in just 12 weeks on the Inkubator

“I’d been writing copy on instinct for a few years, and felt a little adrift. I was over-researching, over-thinking, and my writing ‘process’ was so laborious it hurt! I was looking for a practical course with feedback that provided a strong copywriting foundation and clear framework to move forward.

I now have the skills, knowledge, and confidence to call myself a copywriter. This has impacted how I approach clients, knowing the right questions to ask and advice to give.

It’s also made the writing process more delightful, which is surely what it’s all about.”

Suzie Tombs, copywriter, in a black top standing in front of a building.

Suzie Tombs

Let me show you the structure and organisation that will bring all that chaos into focus


A circular logo with a hummingbird and leaves.

Learn to write next-level copy that sells just like the pros

A self-paced copywriting program that gives you a rock-solid foundation in copywriting: the technical skills and processes you need to deliver outstanding copy, on every project. 

10 modules, 7 worksheets, 5 masterclasses, 3 projects to complete.

But it’s so much more than lessons about copywriting. 

This isn’t a collection of generalities that leave you with a sinking feeling you’ve only got half the knowledge you truly need and no clue how to puzzle the pieces together. 

You’ve already been studying up on all the tips and tricks. You can find all the copywriting techniques explained on the internet. Seriously. But all the available information hasn’t helped you become a pro copywriter. 

Why? Because the missing ingredient is how you put it all together. And you’re done wading through the chaos of copywriting content only to come out more confused than ever.

What you’ll really find inside The Copywriting Inkubator is a cure to the chaos.

You’ll learn the tried-and-true framework for constructing effective copy that sells. So you can kickstart every new copywriting project with a plan and the confidence to execute it.

The Copywriting Inkubator is thoughtfully crafted to simplify the knowledge you need to learn, the structure to apply it to real life copywriting projects, with the coaching and feedback you need to uplevel your skills past “fine” and into “OMG-this-is-amazeballs”.

Having gone through this super, structured program, I am now at least 178% more confident in my copywriting skills.

Belinda was exactly the right copy coach for me. She is friendly, warm and so generous with her knowledge. She teaches with respect, and values the thoughts, questions and input of her class. She also doesn’t shy away from giving critical feedback.

The live editing [on the calls] was worth the cost of the course alone! Belinda made it a really safe space as well, so seeing your work being edited and critiqued was totally not scary. So valuable to see Belinda editing our work in real time. Cannot praise this aspect highly enough.

It gave me a really solid foundation in copywriting and a whole lot more confidence in offering copywriting services. 

Without this course, I wouldn’t have dared to accept a copywriting job, but now I feel like I absolutely know what I’m doing. Which is great. 

Of course, there’s still loads to learn, but this foundation is rock solid and worth every penny I paid for it.”

Copywriter, Jen Metcalf

Jen Metcalf

I now know how to start, structure, edit, and polish a copywriting piece.

“Since taking The Copywriting Inkubator, I feel I have changed quite a bit as a copywriter and business professional.

I now know how to start, structure, edit, and polish a copywriting piece. Before, it often took me ages to get started. I felt like I could [only] produce great copy after I tortured myself with a million rounds of edits. 

The Inkubator gave me much-needed structure for my writing, as well as the damn confidence to stop second-guessing me (which was one of my biggest downfalls).

I’m having way more fun writing copy now, which is something that really surprised me.”

Copywriter, Jenna Click, smiles in a turquoise blazer.

Jenna Click

Enroll today to get INSTANT access to...

Copywriting theory + templates + coaching = confidence

You’ll get everything you need (and more) to build a rock-solid foundation in copywriting. You’ll even walk away with a badge and certificate of completion you can show off to the world (and impress future clients with).



The modules have been organised around the building blocks of copywriting and will be your cure for the chaos of copywriting content. Each module builds on the last, so you have a clear learning path that lays out a strong foundation.



You’ll get a deep-dive into 128 copywriting techniques explained with easy-to-remember tips, jargon-busting explanations, and 105 examples from brands around the world. The lessons also come with extra resources like handy cheatsheets and extra guides you can use for client projects.



While each lesson is a standalone PDF, you’ll also get a video in case you happen to be a visual learner. Each video is just 15-20 minutes, so you can learn in bite-size chunks that easily fit into your life, because you don’t always have time to watch a 2-hr training.



Put what you’re learning into practice and get personalised feedback from yours truly. The assignments challenge you, so you can build your copywriting muscles, and graduates have called my feedback “gold”—even when it was provided to another student.



The blueprints for putting all your newly learned copywriting techniques together. Each masterclass will provide you an in-depth deep dive into the copy construction process for common copywriting projects like websites, email sequences, brochures and more.


Portfolio Worthy Projects

Practise combining multiple copywriting techniques together on common copywriting projects. You’ll be able to put your copy construction skills to work, and walk away with actual pieces you can use in your real copywriting portfolio.

Plus searchable resources, swipe files, checklists, and a course podcast. So you can build your ultimate copywriting bible.

So much more than just 'another online training class'

“I was hoping for some structure and frameworks, and it was that, and so much more.

The bite-sized trainings that you could check off the list as you went through were perfect and seamlessly delivered. Having video, podcasts, slides, and worksheets helped the brain to retain information. 

The level of personal support Belinda provided was extraordinary! Her passion for teaching, kindness, constructive feedback on homework, commitment to seeing you succeed, and yes, even cheering you on (complete with confetti), really helped me believe in myself and what I can offer to others.

After graduating from The Inkubator, I’ve learned skills that have now laid such a strong foundation through theory, processes, frameworks, structure, and many examples! It’s not just intuition or winging it, I now have solid copywriting skills that can serve the types of businesses I want to support.”

Florence Yaeger, copywriter, smiles in a black jacket and pearls.

Florence Yaeger

A woman smiling in front of a fireplace.

Maryann Zurmuehlen

I began to feel like an actual copywriter.

“Every part of the course was so well thought out, organized, and meticulously planned.  Yet, it never felt rigid or uptight.

The coaching calls are where I began to feel like an actual copywriter.  That I wasn’t alone in my own bubble just throwing words at the page and hoping something stuck.  

Belinda’s coaching and critiques were the meat of the course.  I learned so much both by having my assignments reviewed, but also every other student’s.  And together, we built off one another’s progress, improving week by week.”

A little taster of what each module covers

Your cure to the chaos of copywriting content organised for easy consumption

The skeleton of The Copywriting Inkubator that offers structure in place of chaos is the Rule of One. Each module builds on the last, until we pull it all together with training on how to use these techniques together to construct copy from start to finish in all sorts of copywriting projects. 

  • One reader: home in on the readers most likely to take action.
  • One benefit: push past vague, samey messages that blend in.
  • One voice: uncover your voice and your clients.
  • One promise: make promises that ooze cred and clarity.
  • One hook: write headlines that get noticed.
  • One offer: present an irresistible offer, crafted for one reader.
  • One action: offer a clear, safe path forward. 

These are the building blocks of copywriting. The foundational pieces from which you can build anything. Write anything. Fast.

And AI prompts and techniques are woven into each module! 

No one’s first draft is perfect. But you can get it pretty damned close.

On any copywriting project. Every time.

Just like the pros do.

Module 1: One reader

Discover how to hone in on the readers most likely to take action and how to write copy that will make them feel like you are writing just to them.

Module 2: One Benefit

Push past vague, generic messages that blend in to create a compelling message that truly stands out.

Module 3: One Voice

Uncover your voice and your clients’, so you can emulate any brand’s unique style for consistent, on-brand language on every copy project.

Module 4: One Promise

Learn to craft promises that ooze credibility and clarity, to amp up the persuasiveness of your copywriting.

Module 5: One Hook

Write headlines that attract attention and get your readers to continue reading the rest of your top-notch copy.

Module 6: One Action

Offer a clear, safe path forward that helps your one reader make a decision and take action with confidence.

Module 7: One Offer

Present an irresistible offer, crafted for one reader, that drives conversions and connection.

Module 8: Copy Construction

Your blueprint for tackling copy projects with ease from start to finish—no writer’s block or blank pages included.

Module 9: Editing for More Readable Copy

Learn how to cut the fat from your copy without sucking the personality out or killing the persuasiveness, dead.

Module 10: Formatting for More Readable Copy

Pro tips on how to make your copy easy to consume for all different types of readers.

Want to get a peek at the material + a coaching call?

This 10:38 mins preview will give an INKLING of The Inkubator experience.

I've earned it back in one project.

“Before I did The Inkubator, I was a little hesitant. I was writing on instinct. I had huge imposter syndrome. I really lacked confidence and I lacked strategies and structures so I was making stuff up every time I tried to write something new.

Now I can look at a client’s work, I can identify what needs to be done, I can structure it, I can do a plan and confidently say to them, yes, I can do this, and here’s how much it costs. 

I think I’ve earned it [the investment] back already in a project that I’m starting next week.”

Copywriter, Marie Alafaci

Marie Alafaci

Copywriter, Jen Metcalf

Jen Metcalf

I am a copywriter!

“When a client came to me in August asking for two email sequences, I could confidently a) say yes to the project even though I’d never written a full sequence, and b) create emails using the input from the Ink that made me look like a total expert!”

It's more than paid for itself.

“I am such a cynic when it comes to being convinced to part with my time, my money, my energy for any reason. And it wasn’t a small investment in any of those ways to do The Copywriting Inkubator, however, it was 100% worth it for the value I got, the learning I got the community I got.

I truly don’t believe I’d have found that anywhere else and I would pay it again and spend the time on it again in a heartbeat for what it’s done, not just for me, but for my business.

It’s more than paid for itself.”

Copywriter, Tynika Thornton

Tynika Thornton

Copywriter, Amy Levesque

Amy Levesque

One month after, I was booked at capacity

“I didn’t want to just be a copywriter, I wanted to be a great one!

In the month since the course finished, I feel much more confident in my ability to produce quality work. Imposter syndrome was killing me but after the Inkubator, I put that beast to rest.

The month after I completed the Inkubator, I was booked at capacity.

Plus STACKS of deep-dive masterclasses to show you how to put your new techniques together

While the first seven modules give you the building blocks, these in-depth masterclasses give you the blueprint for putting them all together in common copywriting projects you’ll see.

You’ll walk away with everything you need to take you to the next level as a copywriter, so you can write with confidence from start to finish.

An orange background with an image of a man and a woman.

Writing Website Copy

A detailed guide to writing all the copy that goes on a website. Like homepages, about pages, services pages, product descriptions and more.

A red envelope with an orange background.

Writing Email Copy

The 101 on emails and email sequences including how to plan them out, what to say and how often to send them. Oh, let’s not forget email subject lines.

A red and orange logo with an envelope on it.

Selling in Print

A how-to on the decisions and process of printed collateral. I’m talking about brochures, flyers, postcards and ads. Plus, a chat with a printing specialist to ensure clients can print your copy affordably.

A red logo with a group of people in a circle.

The Secret to Standing Out in Crowded Markets

A lesson on reframing your view of uniqueness and how you, as a copywriter, can help any business stand out—including your own. This is a must for copywriters who work with clients in crowded markets.

An orange background with an image of a man and a woman.

Killer Sales Pages

Long pages or short pages, you’ll have a blueprint you can use to construct a persuasive, effective money-making sales page. Use it for your own services, a client’s project or a portfolio sample!

A label with a magnifying glass on an orange background.

SEO Writing Masterclass

This 4 part masterclass will share only what you need to know to write optimised copy (without drowning in the technical aspects of search engine optimization).

This isn’t your average DIY copywriting course



A collection of information you can dip in and out of.

A holistic, structured curriculum that builds on each lesson. That you can also dip in and out of.

Video only content. So. Many. Videos.

Each lesson includes PDFs, videos, slides, transcripts, and audio in a course podcast. Learn in your style.

Content is locked inside an online course platform.

Downloadable content like the lessons themselves PLUS checklists, templates and cheatsheets, so you can build your ultimate copywriting bible.

Explains the techniques, but not how to use them together.

Deep-dive Masterclasses show you the fundamentals of copy construction on common copywriting projects.

No way (or limited ways) to practice what you’re learning.

Worksheets with practical exercises that build your skills (and confidence).

Difficult to apply theoretical knowledge to real life copy projects.

Practice projects that you can add to your real life portfolio.

Content drips out slowly or overwhelms you with instant access.

Get the best of both worlds with instant access and binge week, followed by a gradual programme with integration breaks built-in.

A woman with curly hair holding a frisbee.

Stephanie McGuirt

Bright Spot Copywriting

It's been a huge confidence boost.

“Before taking The Copywriting Inkubator, I was relying a lot on my intuition to guide me through various projects. 

I also felt like I was spending a lot more time than I needed to on projects because I didn’t have that solid foundation and that technique that I was really craving and needing.

I feel like my copywriting skills have been taken to the next level, which is something I was really excited for and was needing because I was relying a lot on intuition, which is still a part of my work as a copywriter. However, now it’s supported with this foundation that is rooted in all of these wonderful techniques that I can present to clients.

It feels amazing, and it’s been a huge confidence boost.”

This is for you if…

Path #1

You’re an aspiring copywriter looking to kick start your last career change with a rock solid foundation in copywriting.

You are ready for the basics so you can lay the groundwork to get your copywriting career off on the right foot.

You want to be the best copywriter you possibly can be, which means skipping the fumbling and frustration of the trial and error learning process.

You want to make sure you’re on your game when it comes to the copy side so you have the confidence to charge the big bucks.

The Copywriting Inkubator is your fast pass to the technical skills you need to deliver high-quality copy on any copywriting project, starting with the very first one.

"It provided me with the backbone of any copy I will write in the future, which means the Inkubator will always be part of my copywriting journey, and something I can always go back to, and ground myself and my copywriting business.

I am more confident and knowledgeable, not only in writing copy, but how to construct one that is good, more than good."
Copywriter, Awaishah Alqahtani, sits on a bench with a cat.
Awaishah Alqahtani
"I thought I knew how to write creatively but now appreciate that copy writing is a completely different muscle. I feel like I’ve got a solid conceptual foundation now.

I'm less fearful now because I faced my fears every week when I submitted an assignment, and you're building this feedback loop.

You've got to get it wrong to get it right later on."
Copywriter, Lisa McKnight, with long hair standing on the beach.
Lisa McKnight

Path #2

You’re a working copywriter (in your first 1-2 years) and you want to reset your technical foundation so you can build on it.

You’ve been writing based on instinct and inspiration, but now you want to refine your skills and improve your processes, so you can justify charging higher rates (even if it’s only to yourself).

You’re done compiling your copy education through a bunch of blogs and books, and want to build your own vault of expert-approved copy knowledge.

You are struggling with imposter syndrome, wishing you felt more sure of yourself, but you’re tired of feeling like you ought to “know better by now”.

You are ready to level up in your copywriting career, and you want access to the secrets that the upper crust of copywriters already seem to know.

The Copywriting Inkubator will fill in the gaps to reset your foundation and give you the shortcuts you need to quickly and consistently produce high-quality copy you can charge more for. 

"The greatest thing I've gained through my journey in the Copywriting Inkubator is the confidence I now have when approached with different copy projects.

Where before I had a vague sense I was on the right path/doing the right thing I now can back myself based on the learnings and insights I gained through the course. I feel like my skills are much sharper and more professional than they were before I took the course.
I also have more concise language through which to communicate with clients during the quoting and feedback stages of a project and understand not only how all the little bits around crafting great copy fit together – but why they fit together. "
Copywriter, Sanki Tennekoon
Sanki Tennekoon
"Before I started the program, I knew I could write, but I was iffy. I always just didn't feel as confident about my copywriting skills.

Now, after the program, I feel like I have a very good grasp of what the foundational elements are for good copywriting, and my confidence is much higher. I feel good when I talk to clients and new prospective clients that I know what I'm talking about.

I have a really sturdy foundation to build upon with my skills and be able to do the great things I wanna help them do with their business through the copy that I'm writing."
Copywriter, Candice Cassidy
Candice Cassidy

The Copywriting Inkubator will meet you where you’re at

Whether you’re an aspiring copywriter who hasn’t written your first word of copy yet…

Or a working copywriter who’s ready to graduate from writing on instinct…

The Copywriting Inkubator was made for you!

Each module will provide you with the foundational knowledge you need to get started with copy.

Each worksheet will provide you the practice space to refine your approach and improve your skills.

Each coaching call will provide you the feedback to accelerate your writing processes.

This course is NOT for you if...

You don’t have enough time. Now, it would be very easy for me to say that you don’t need a lot of time for this program. But the truth is that to get the most from your investment, you’ll want to make a regular date with the content. 

You are on the edge of burnout. While The Copywriting Inkubator is designed for busy mums, dads and folks so you can take it at your own pace, we do not cosign hustle culture. If joining this coaching program would require you to sacrifice your work-life balance or put yourself in an unhealthy “grind it out” mentality, then please say no and give yourself some rest.

You aren’t able to comfortably invest. Everyone’s budget and risk level is different, and I want to acknowledge this investment isn’t a small one. You know your finances and budget best, but if joining now would financially harm you or your family, please know that I will run this program again next year.

You aren’t ready to take action. I love your enthusiasm to learn, but if The Copywriting Inkubator is nothing more than a login email you file away or a course you consume, then this isn’t the program for you. It is through active participation and taking action on what you learn that you’ll become a pro and build the copywriting career you desire. 

These copywriters were thrilled with their investment

Copywriter, Allison Darwin

Allison Darwin

” I have taken on projects that I might not otherwise have (said yes to) before the program.

And I’ve also charged a lot more than if I had not done the program, again, because I just had the confidence that I do know what I’m doing and I can offer a great service.”

“Without this course, I wouldn’t have dared to accept a copywriting job, but now I feel like I absolutely know what I’m doing. Which is great. Of course, there’s still loads to learn, but this foundation is rock solid and worth every penny I paid for it.”

Copywriter, Jen Metcalf

Jen Metcalf

Copywriter, Sanki Tennekoon

Sanki Tennekoon

“If you’re sitting on the fence about jumping into the Copywriting Inkubator, I was, too! I had my eye on this program for a while before investing in it – and I wish I had done it sooner. While the investment seemed hefty upfront it was invaluable in terms of the quality of content and learning materials, the coaching calls and access to Belinda, as well as sharing the journey with a group of peers while laying stronger copywriting foundations for myself. 

If you resonate with Belinda’s style and the way she shows up online or in-person and you’re looking for a practical skills-based copywriting course – pick this one.”

“The Inkubator is an investment in your business but also in yourself. It goes beyond just writing skills. It helps you learn to accept feedback, overcome imposter syndrome, grow your confidence, and succeed.”

Copywriter, Amy Levesque

Amy Levesque

Copywriter, McKayla Afolayan

McKayla Afolayan

“The Inkubator was definitely worth the investment in time and in money. 

I’ve taken a bunch of other courses, some I finished, some I haven’t finished. But none of them gave me the confidence that I now have.”

“You feel like you’ve got your own personal cheer squad and she really wants us all to succeed, which is just amazing.

Like for a lot of people it’s a job and they’re happy to see their students progress, but I really got the sense of Belinda getting some real joy out of that.

I think I’ve earned it [the investment] back already in a project that I’m starting next week.”

Copywriter, Marie Alafaci

Marei Alafaci

Hi, I'm Belinda Weaver.

I help aspiring and working copywriters supercharge their income, create financial stability, and avoid career burnout. Because when you have the chops to command higher rates, you can work less and enjoy more time, freedom, and career fulfilment.

More than 200 copywriters have taken my big course (the precursor to The Inkubator) and along with my private coaching group, Confident Copywriting, I’ve helped copywriters achieve results like:

  •  a 372% boost in monthly invoiced billings
  • a 4x jump in monthly revenue
  • and a 66% day rate increase

I’m not a fly-by-night-written-a-few-emails-and-decided-to-teach kind of copywriter. Before I became a copy coach, I spent 10+ years as a successful and in-demand freelance copywriter writing for 196 different businesses on projects ranging from search engine friendly website copy, print advertising and brochures to sales pages and email sequences. 

The point is that I’ve had a lot of variety come across my keyboard and I’ve learned and employed the best copywriting techniques to get attention, create a connection and drive action.

And that’s what I’ll teach you.

Hi, I'm Belinda Weaver.

A woman with red hair is posing for a photo.

I help aspiring and working copywriters supercharge their income, create financial stability, and avoid career burnout. Because when you have the chops to command higher rates, you can work less and enjoy more time, freedom, and career fulfilment.

More than 200 copywriters have taken my big course (the precursor to The Inkubator) and along with my private coaching group, Confident Copywriting, I’ve helped copywriters achieve results like:

  •  a 372% boost in monthly invoiced billings
  • a 4x jump in monthly revenue
  • and a 66% day rate increase

I’m not a fly-by-night-written-a-few-emails-and-decided-to-teach kind of copywriter. Before I became a copy coach, I spent 10+ years as a successful and in-demand freelance copywriter writing for 196 different businesses on projects ranging from search engine friendly website copy, print advertising and brochures to sales pages and email sequences. 

The point is that I’ve had a lot of variety come across my keyboard and I’ve learned and employed the best copywriting techniques to get attention, create a connection and drive action.

And that’s what I’ll teach you.

Copywriter, Allison Darwin

Allison Darwin

"I have taken on projects... and charged a lot more"

“Before I joined The Inkubator, the idea of taking on a copywriting project I felt kind of frazzled about that, or I felt that I was just gonna end up spinning my wheels and not really have a process to efficiently get through the project. And I think I also worried about just staring at a blank page and you know, not being able to work efficiently or even meet a deadline.

And then now after going through The Inkubator, I have a process for those things.

So even while I may still be developing my skills and systems as it relates to efficiency, I still have a way that I can confidently work through the project.

And I think other ways that things have improved for me after doing the program is that I have taken on projects that I might not otherwise have before the program, and I’ve also charged a lot more than if I had not done the program, again, because I just had the confidence that I do know what I’m doing and I can offer a great service for people and lots of value.”

I run my business by these values and The Copywriting Inkubator experience is no different

The vibe of the program
(or how I roll)

If you’ve read this far, you’re still figuring out if this is the right program for you. It might help to know a little more about how I work. 


If I have a choice to be more generous than less, I choose more. 

Which means I’m not leaving you with half the info you need to become a great copywriter. The Copywriting Inkubator has the techniques, examples, formulas, writing tips, shortcuts and more that I use every day. 

It’s more information than you need to become a professional copywriter (and then some), but it’s organised and structured in a way that makes it easy to access and consume each time you’re ready to level up.

"Belinda was exactly the right copy coach for me. She is friendly, warm and so generous with her knowledge. She teaches with respect, and values the thoughts, questions and input of her class.

She also doesn't shy away from giving critical feedback where it's merited. I found that very valuable when I'd submitted a piece of copy that I totally wasn't sure about.

I had missed the mark, and she explained why I had, which is 100 times more valuable than someone just blanket-praising everything or being unnecessarily mean. That's quite a talent!
Copywriter, Jen Metcalf
Jen Metcalf
“What I love most is that there’s no pressure on me to finish the course. As a mum and a full-time business owner, it can be hard to find the time to work through it. But there’s no judgement or pushing from Belinda. [CMC has] been brilliant because of the way that the course is structured, I can dip in and out as I need to. I can go at my own pace and dip into what's relevant.”
A young woman wearing a hijab in front of a brick wall.
Eman Ismail

Respectful of boundaries

I encourage you to have strong boundaries and I never ask you to do something that might compromise those boundaries.

We have lives and complicated schedules to build our businesses around. The Copywriting Inkbuator respects those boundaries.

The schedule and structure of The Copywriting Inkubator is designed to prioritise lifestyle and balance over hustle and grind. That’s why you’ll find coaching calls available in multiple time zones, a balance of quick-action and slow-paced schedules, and feedback availability that meets you where you’re at. 


I always lift up rather than tear down and boost your own self-belief in the process. 

The Copywriting Inkubator is designed to help you build and flex your copywriting muscles and you’ll find a lot of opportunities to practise in a safe space. Worksheets to submit for review, coaching calls to ask questions, and projects to get feedback on. 

And while it might feel a little scary to submit your work for critique at first, you won’t find any judgemental teardowns that attack you. I gently challenge you to become a better copywriter, so you feel confident when submitting your copy to a client or a boss.

"I really felt Belinda got me. And she really made a huge effort to understand everyone who was in The Inkubator. So that absolutely personal connection - you can't fake that.

You feel like you've got your own personal cheer squad and she really wants us all to succeed, which is just amazing. Like for a lot of people it's a job and they're happy to see their students progress, but I really got the sense of Belinda getting some real joy out of that."
Copywriter, Marie Alafaci
Marie Alafaci
"You were beautifully strange mix of coaches in one. Kind hearted to give extra minutes to go over all assignments, but firm and clear about feedbacks.

You are so kind and generous in answering questions. You spread your confidence to your students as you pat their back, and provide enormous support. You were amazing."
Copywriter, Awaishah Alqahtani, sits on a bench with a cat.
Awaishah Alqahtani


You can always reach out and ask for help, and having a lovely chat is par for the course when you do.

You show up, I’m there for you. 

When you join The Copywriting Inkubator, you get me. 

On the coaching calls, it’s not some stand-in coach you’ve never heard of.  It’s me.

In your inbox, also me. 

Which means you can always reach out and hear right back from me. When you show up, I show up. In spades.


I take processes I like, then ditch the parts I don’t. Most systems can be shaped into something that works for your busy life and copywriting is no different. 

I’m not about hustle culture and early burnout so you’ll find a slew of systems and processes to make work and life as a copywriter easier.

This program is all about the words on the page and process to get them there. I encourage you to you take what you learn and adapt it to how you work best but know that you’ll have a shortcut to the starting line and the best possible start.

"I also appreciated the way that Belinda would talk through her process when providing feedback live on the coaching calls rather than just giving us answers.

I find this style of teaching/coaching/mentoring helpful for myself and I was able to take away so much more than what great copy should look like – I also took away how to start thinking about copy from an expert lens."
Copywriter, Sanki Tennekoon
Sanki Tennekoon
"Belinda is incredibly generous of spirit and with her time. She created a fun, light-hearted learning space where everyone could shine.

And throughout, I felt like I had a cheerleader who motivated and empathised, sharing insights good and bad from her own copywriting journey."
Suzie Tombs, copywriter, in a black top standing in front of a building.
Suzi Tombs
"It’s fun to get your assignments reviewed and it doesn’t feel negative in any way. It’s like you’re up at the board in class but in a ridiculously fun way. You walk away feeling confident and empowered."
Copywriter, Jenna Click, smiles in a turquoise blazer.
Jenna Click


GIFs, memes and jokes are a big part of how I stop taking myself so seriously because work is just one part of life.

Let’s be real. Learning is already hard and uncomfortable. So, while we tackle the work enthusiastically, we can’t take ourselves too seriously. 

I’ll be there to keep us on track so you keep moving forward towards your goals, but this isn’t a stuffy course. You’ll find that we celebrate personality, humour and imperfection together.

My kids usually make an appearance at some point. My pug, Fenris, definitely will and I never expect anyone to feel like they have to hide their life just off-camera on Zoom. Kids interrupt. Cats walk across the keyboard. Comfy pants are welcome—no, encouraged.

Copywriter, Marie Alafaci

Marie Alafaci

It's a totally safe space

“I really felt Belinda got me. And she really made a huge effort to understand everyone who was in The Inkubator. So that absolutely personal connection you can’t fake that. Some courses promise the world and deliver nothing.

I found that she promised something and delivered more. So much more. No technical query was too stupid. Her responses were super fast.

So just overall that connection and knowing that she had our backs was wonderful.

You feel like you’ve got your own personal cheer squad and she really wants us all to succeed, which is just amazing. Like for a lot of people it’s a job and they’re happy to see their students progress, but I really got the sense of Belinda getting some real joy out of that.”

You missed the live experience but…

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6 x $167

(There is a nominal adjustment for the payment plan to cover the additional processing fees)

I stand by the experience you’ll have with me so I offer my

"Love It or Leave It"
14 Day Money-Back Guarantee

If after digging into the course for a month, you STILL don’t think you’ll walk away a better copywriter, let me know within 14 days of your purchase date – and I’ll refund all your money.

You won’t be able to access any further content but you’ll have your cashback. And that’s cool.

Here is my refund policy, all official-looking.

Just to make sure it’s clear, you get instant access to all the content after registering

If you’re not impressed and you let me know within 14 days of your purchase date, you can call it quits. No hard feelings.

That sounds like you’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Give it a try.

Your future with The Copywriting Inkubator

A young woman in a blue dress is posing for a photo.

Bianca Haigh

Bianca Haigh Copywriting

I would have enrolled a lot sooner if I had known

I wanted to learn to write compelling copy, efficiently. I also needed to develop confidence in my writing, and to be able to justify the choices made to keep good copy when it’s at risk of being edited to death.

Not having done something like this before, I wasn’t sure whether it would be worth the investment = it was absolutely worth the investment, so in hindsight I would have enrolled a lot sooner if I had known how valuable the course would be.

Being part of the community of others who have gone through the course is reassuring and empowering = real people making a real success out of their copywriting (with real challenges) – makes success feel more attainable.

Would I recommend this course? Absolutely!

Answers to help you make an informed decision as you consider The Copywriting Inkubator

Got questions! Good! If your questions aren’t on this list, let me know via the schmicky video widget on the side of the page. 

Not at all. The Copywriting Inkubator has been designed for beginners but working copywriters in their first 1-3 years will find it extremely valuable.

  • You might have just started out as a copywriter but you’ve never learned the technical aspects of copywriting.
  • You might have been writing copy for a little while and you feel like your skills have stagnated (that is, you’re not getting better and you want to take your writing to the next level of awesomeness).
  • You might want to become a copywriter and start with a strong foundation of skills.

Whatever skill level you have right now, this program will help you will blast through your own expectations.

No. All the exercises contain client scenarios to write about, with all the information you need to complete the exercise. So you don’t need to BYO clients!

Twice a year, I run The Copywriting Inkubator as a live experience. That experience includes 10 live calls on which I review submitted worksheets and provide feedback (including live editing to showcase my process as a copywriter).

Copywriters call these calls the true gold of The Inkubator experience.

When you buy the self-study version, you can secure your seat on the live experience (with a terrific saving on offer). You’ll also be invited to upgrade and get access to the live coaching from me (Belinda) when the next live experience is scheduled.

To make sure it’s absolutely the right program for you, I offer a 14-day money-back guarantee. 

I want to know that you gave it a good chance by digging into the content but at the end of the day, if you tell me it’s not for you within 14 days, I’ll refund your full investment, no questions asked. 

Here is my official refund policy.
